Quick Snapshot

I am a child of God, missionary, life-long learner and problem-solver. Husband of one, father of five. Bachelor of Business in Information Systems, Master of Science in Cybersecurity. I lead by example, see the big picture and create strategies to succeed. I have been working with technology since 1988 in some form to accomplish those things.

I want to serve people with my gifts. I develop apps to help people improve their health. I'm a nutrition coach, chef-in-training, and love food. Food is not only fuel for the body but builds relationships, and creates memories with friends and families. I strive to help others see the health benefits of whole, minimally-processed foods so they can live a high quality life.

Tech History

  • Fledgling programmer - late '80s and early '90s
  • UNIX administrator at Texas A&M - '90s
  • Firewall / routing administrator - late '90s
  • Security consultant - 2000 to 2017
  • Teacher/Professor - 2017 - 2020
  • SaaS entrepreneur - 2000 - present
  • Jack of all trades, master of none - always


I spent a month in Belize with my family in 2014 and grew to love the country during that time. We would love to have the opportunity to move there and serve the people we live with.

Chef-In-Training + Nutrition

My own love of food lead me to being overweight, weighing in at 240lbs. I've been on a long journey to master that relationship. I now weight in at 155lbs and am part of a great gym community. I serve that group by providing nutrition services through the gym and am certified by Precision Nutrition.

I continue to study at Brightwater to hone my skills at cooking and hope to use the combination of those skills with nutrition to help people learn how to make healthy and delicious foods.

The Things

There are specific things that define people and make them unique.

  • Family

    As a husband and father, family is important. Some of my children are extremely challenging, but as a Christian, I believe God has a plan for each of their lives and my job is to point them the right direction and watch that unfold. There is too much I can not control to even attempt it.

  • Service

    I genuinely have a desire to serve people and see them succeed. I've been around long enough to know there are people that will take advantage of that, but living a life of service to others is important and brings meaning to a world where there is a love of self without regard for others.

  • Technology

    My analytical brain just "gets it" when it comes to all things tech. My professional career has been centered on technology and I love solving the problems that come along with it. Helping others simplify and improve their lives with technology is high on my list. However, using it wisely is critical. There are malicious people (the hackers and crackers) that aim to destroy for personal gain. Also, too much tech (i.e. social media) can lead to an imbalance with the realationships and people around you.

  • Code

    I enjoy creating and often that looks like code. I've been programming in some form since my first PC back in 1986. It's been a journey from DOS based games in BASIC, to online text-based role-playing games (i.e. multi-user dungeons, MUDs) in C, to "real" business applications in Perl, PHP, JavaScript, and Python. There was some Fortran and COBOL along the way, but those have long been forgotten. Modern programming practices keep me sharp and the new tools continue to amaze me knowing what always had to be written from scratch in the past.

  • Travel

    There are many places I would love to visit one day. I think that everyone should travel to Middle Earth and visit a hobbit hole (New Zealand) and "Go Slow" while relaxing on a small tropical island (Caye Caulker, Belize). If it's warm, sign me up.

Stay In Touch

If you're looking for help with your nutrition, or need help with technology, feel free to connect with me.